Finally finished this one. Hopefully a few of you are fans of H. P. Lovecraft.…
I have, creatively, called this one ‘Big Mandala’. :p It’s uh… well, it’s big. I’ll…
It has a silly name because my boyfriend glanced over when I’d finished and said…
Hi all! Hope everybody’s having a grand weekend! I was looking at patterns online and…
Don’t know what to call this one, so Feathery Doodle Thing it is 😀 Another…
Something a little different. This one’s hand-drawn – before breakfast even! – I then scanned…
I love mandalas. 😀 (Do you see it?) (Click the image to download the full…
I usually use precisely measured radial lines and compass-drawn circle guidelines for my hand-drawn mandalas…
Happy Monday! (Click the image to download the full size file)
A hand-drawn cafe doodle. Whenever we go out for food or stop in cafes I…