Our Blog

Krita Mandala 22

Had a bit of a break to catch up with my videogaming – but I…

Krita Mandala 21

I drew this one last night – drawing one earlier on in the day clearly…

Krita Mandala 20

(Click to download the full size image)

Krita Mandala 19

I wanted to do something with a lot of petals and layers, with a vaguely…

Krita Mandala 18

Here’s a new mandala for you to print and colour. 🙂 Click the image to…

“Krita Mandala 17”

I treated myself to a couple more of the expensive colouring markers today, so of course…

Gourd Season!

I keep seeing gourds everywhere. They say if you can’t beat ’em, join ’em, so…

Krita Mandala 16

Not hugely happy with this one – I feel like the balance is off with…

Autumn Mandala

Our power was out all day yesterday, so we spent part of the day in…

Krita Mandala #15

I had fun with this one. I’m experimenting with different shapes and trying to come…